10 things I hate about Barista
10 things that I detest about the outer part of Barista, Sec 18 in Noida:
1. This place is too congusted.
2. No. of chairs and tables are too few.
3. Chairs suck.
4. Tables suck more than chairs. Each time you lift your cup of coffee or put your hands on it, it shakes every-time due to an unknown fear.
5. You have to explain your name and orde more than once to make those stupid Barista guys understand.
6. They don't prepare the order right-away.
7. You have to go back to your seat and have to wait for a name that sounds similar to yours to be shouted in an embarrassing manner in the Alley.
8. Only when you are in hurry, they will take a longer time to preapre your order and if you want to sit and kill your time there, they will preapre your order fast.
9. One side of the outer area is shadeless, you should be a devotee one to sit there in summer's daytime and winter's night.
10. They charge too high for their shitty cup of coffee and rotten eatables.