About Shark & Fishes in Same Tank
Liked it, pursued it, got it and now posting it for all of you:
Humans are no different. L. Ron Hubbard observed in the early 1950's: "Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment." George Bernard Shaw said: " Satisfaction is death!" If you are steadily conquering challenges, you are happy. Your challenges keep you energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive! Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Do not postpone a task, simply because its challenging. Catch these challenges by their horns and vanquish them. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. Giving up makes you tired. Instead, reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help. Don't create success and revel in it in a state of inertia. You have the resources, skills and abilities to make a difference.
[i]Put a shark in your tank and see how far you can really go! [/i]