Friday, February 20, 2009

Its all about Karma!!

Well, I am Islamic and still believe in the fundamental of Karma and I dont think Islam disapproves of it. I strongly believe whatever happens in one's life is all highly effected by his own deeds as well as his forefathers actions, and thoughts. Whatever, one do in his daily activities, everythnig is Karma, even if you are not doing anything and sitting idle still it is Karma, you are earning Karma in each and every minute of life, these karmas may be good or bad but you can never decide which karma is good or which karma is bad .... yes, it couldn't be decided at the time of an action, because may be you are in process of doing something good which could be a severe damage for something else and vice-versa i.e. your some action may apparently be a severe damage but may be it is correcting some phenomena of which everybody is unknown including you and only time will tell you the benefits or loss of an action performed by you in past. Isn't seem like time is some type of large carrying vehicle fuelled by Karmas and moving unidirectionally, everything is on-board to this vehicle and it keeps showing various stations,for somebody it may be a destination, for someone else it may be just like any other stoppage i.e. not causing them change of state, somebody may board from that place, and somebody is just like a stationary object on that station all based on their individual Karmas.

your Karma from your actions and thoughts start making changes in the environment around you and this change propagates, intializing a chain of reactions (Isn't seem similar to Newton's third law?? ;) ).... and this creates your personality, your magnetic field, your surroundings, your destiny, and every small and big thing whatever happens to you .... So, what I am trying to say here is that whatever happens to one's life only he/she is responsible for that ... blaming others will only add-up a curse karma in the account and of course it won't help as your Karma will return back to you like a boomerang after fulfilling its intended purpose stop blaming others, do as much self-relaization, self-study and self-correction as you can do ... make sure you are not cause of anyone's sorrow or grief ... because his/her anger will hit back to him/her but it will also do somthing to your life ... so do as much good as you can do for others ... forgiveness is the best policy ... try to forgive people for their wrong deeds ... dont keep any ill-feeling in heart ... as you will never like that your bad Karma (done unknowingly by you ...) should tease your offsprings, therefore, keep praying ... praying is also a Karma ... and may be it creates some kind of positivity ... that will keep safe those people for whom you have prayed ....Now, after all this you may be thinking where is God?? what are his roles ?? if we ourselves are responsible for our deeds and our destiny and our people and our children, so is it that the creature whom we call "God", reside in ourselves ?? I dont know.

Thinking more in this direction, reveals that God as we call him ....created a super automated system where everything is there for a reason and things react with each other in a manner that system always remains stabilize .... if something or someone destabilizes this system, then this system itself goes into a recovery mode operation and tries to eliminate the cause of destabilizing factors ...e.g. as we know we are polluting our skies and atomosphere for more than 200 years and now due to GreenHouse gases, Ozone layer hole, increasing sea levels all are taking a shape of a danger alarm to the existence of human race, and note that cause of all of this were humans only, humans are destabilizing the system and you are witness how system is changing to re-attain stabilization and is trying to eliminate destabilizing factors, here one last thing I will like to add-up as I was reading about different cultures (long time back ..) and there was a time I was actually thinking that there should exist separate gods to take care of separate phenomena of the universe, started believing that Sun, Moon, stars, air, water everything are different form of God helping all creatures on Earth to survive ..but, now with this new point of view it seems like everything is a part of some beautiful automation and God should be enjoying and watching us on TV ... because he knows what are we doing and what it will result to ....God when gave us life he also sent us messengers with books to let us know how should we spend our life in this automated system ... how to save ourselves from being ruined ... probably, God always knew the human nature and thats why he warned about the day of resurrection and judgement in advance ...
Last advice: Follow the books which tell you how to spend life in the God's system.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

About True Patience and Submission

Have got some beautiful words from one of my sis and pasting it here so they don't go lost:

Only the faithful understand the true nature of patience and live in the manner of which Allah approves, for they have accepted the Qur'an as their guide. And, only the Qur'an explains the real meaning of patience and the type of patience that is acceptable to Allah. For this reason, the only people capable of being "patient with a beautiful patience" are those who follow the Qur'an.
The source of their patience is their faith in Allah and their submission to Him. Like all of their other characteristics, patience emerges only through a true understanding of faith, because to believe is to understand that there is no deity but Allah, that He encompasses all things in His knowledge, that only Allah has the power to determine one's destiny, and that nobody can enjoy gain or suffer loss without His willing it.

One reason why the believers can show patience is because their faith enables them to appreciate Allah's might and glory. Those who know that Allah has boundless wisdom and boundless knowledge also know that only He can determine what will be the finest life for them.Thus, knowing that only Allah possesses this knowledge and wisdom, the believers put their trust in Him, fully aware that whatever He wills is always beneficial, even though the benefit may not be immediately apparent. Therefore, they display true patience. In other words, one characteristic of those who have true patience is that they are people who have grasped and embraced the nature of destiny.