KANK Unjustified!!

Finally I watched the long awaited "KANK" movie today......all I will say it is too ahead of time..and a very corner case of a married life.....I have never been happened to a relationship like tihs still I have some honest view on it....I dont think any couple in the world is perfect but it is the responsibility of spouses to make it perfect to a certain extent.....incompatibility is a common problem between couple and with highs and lows they should keep their married life satisfied....a very good example of such a modern couple who arises incompatibility and then worked to remove all grudges to go for a happy marital life is "Salaam Namastey"......well, here Karan Johar completely failed to justify the extramarital affair of the guys...the unnecessary attraction was quite weird...how some rationale,literate, educated person on the planet earth can get so selfish to destroy his own nest to get his/her real love....there was no point in explaining spouse about the relationship they had developed if they had decided to discontinue it.....what they wanted to prove to those guys.....god (and then K.Johar) knows better I hope.....and surprisingly enough was the reaction of these so loving/caring spouses (Abhishek &
Zinta) when they came to know that their spouses (Kingkhan and RaniM) want to return back to home......again a very weak (and meek) way of saying Talaq..Talaq..Talaq....I think they just did it because Director (or storywriter) was not getting a good reasonable way to detach the couples :)......and BigB's death was again a deliberately added gloomy color to the movie.......director just killed a happy going light weighted colorful guy to add some extra heaviness......
Ok....forget about the story and direction and everything else...just talk about the concept of extramarital affair of unhappy spouses.....I will say here that our KingKhan (and of course RaniM) was a luckiest soul who got a friend in similar condition to whom he could talk and share his pains....what about Zinta and SmallB....they even didn't get the tear wiping hands.....they did everything to get their partner happy.....I don't know what these souls (Khan+Rani) were searching...... and finally if they had developed such a nice friendship relation where they were able to talk all those private things and which was only a sex away.......then what was the point of getting married by ruinnig their own nest...by breaking heart of their partners...completely unjustified!!!
P.S. - Heyi friends I like Preity Zinta and wanted King Khan to teach a lesson, thats why Tikka-botee kar daala....Kidding...