Sunday, October 22, 2006

An amazing experience

Why are we alive in this world?
Why are we here in this so unpredictable and horrible world? Yes, this world is horrible, terribly horrible.....full of sorrows, problems and only fighting and competitive race can survive here. We fight against fake/artificial/jealous/dogmatic and so different type of creatures with each step of life, We fight against various type of illness, we also fight with ourselves to control different type of phobias (acrophobia/agoraphobia/xenophobia/cynophobia/hydrophobia etc.). Surprising fact is that we keep doing such things from the day we take birth without realizing about it.

But the question is why we keep doing things for our survival? What is the purpose that our survival provide to the universe? Why do we like this horrible place? Why this cycle of birth -> death keeps revolving and how long will it?? We take birth pass our infancy playing, childhood in school, teenage in college, youth in fighting to find a good job of our likings and hobbies, adultness in producing child and fighting to keep the family safe from any trouble and then senility in guiding (basically barking) new generation upto the life ends!!!

But tell me what is the purpose that gets solved by this cycle?? Why is life keep rotating like this?? Who is getting benefitted outta it?? What will happen after our death? Will everything be finished with after death?? But, my mind is not ready to take this tells me there is something after death.....there is after death!!! why ?? why my mind had developed such a mirage..because from our childhood we have been taught and our religious books say like that......I don't think so....even If I ignore all type of teaching and start disbelieving our book and think from a neutral mind at a peaceful place with closed eyes.....even in that case my senses again failed to accept that everything will be finish after death. Is this an answer to my agnostic mind or it is the deep rooted effect of our childhood teaching??

Lets' assume there is a life after death and there is a god who will judge on the basis of our deeds then why we keep doing different things instead of only worshipping 24x7 to make our life easier after death. Why prophets had told us to necesarrily marry, produce children and doing every necessary thing to rotate cycle of life? Why they didn't tell us to only worship god all the time, eat like animals do just to silent the hunger?? Why the instituition of marriage and producing children is necessary?? What is the purpose that God is fulfilling by playing with us in this way?? and Why God wants this cycle to be continued with the warning of "Qayaamat" (Judgement day)?? What benefit it gives to him??

Assuming there is no life after death and there is nothing...... exactly no remains of a human's existence after his death.....everything around us we see ....they all have generated themselves and quite explainable via science of evolution......and things will keep happening in future in an unpredictable way as it has been continued from billion of years back......without any reason....without any benefit......without any question....

Now, here arises one more line of thought (and I am now quite convinced it has been arised becasue of my non-atheistic nature only)......I was trying to search the benfit of cycle of life for God...but here we are missing that God is not a normal human being who thinks and do work to solve some work to satisfy some logic....he may be doing all these things purposelessly....without any question....comparing God with basic human nature may be the root cause of our also comes the explaintaion of "life after death" in my perspective (it may be my personal theory to keep myself satisfied)....we keep doing several things here without realizing like running a family, developing various arts (like singing, dancing, painting, literature,poem and numerous other examples), enjoying, teasing, killing, behaving rudely/nicely to other people and millions of other deeds probably start paying back after death...that may be the way God had put things so that each and every act of us may probably pay back.....and this in my perspective is the sufficient explaination of heaven and hell!!!!

Now I am purely convinced that he would have created the things in the whole universe that are completely automated ideal "Zero defect" need of any divine God don't need to do anything more and probably will be busy in doing some other task...even he doesn't need to take pain of destroying Nature (Qayaamat) .... probably "nature" class (here I mean C++ class) is so robust and that it will be degraded gracefully in case of mishandling by variables (creatures inside nature)....

Surprisingly enough I am again back to ground zero by simply assuming that God is not a typical human being :) and it has explained everything itself....satisfied my atheistic logics and I myself get clarified all type of my own created doubts.....amazing!!!


At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very very well said. We all have same things going in mind but never tell anyone...this web page is a gud way to tell atleast ourselves that the conclusion of everything is God.


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